Combined with Big Gay Ice Cream's unbridled affection for and aesthetic devotion to pop culture, this apartment development already sounds more fun than 100% of all other apartment developments. Quint and Petroff are bringing their soft serve shop to Carl Dranoff's SouthStar lofts at South and Broad streets - the same building where Kevin Sbraga is nearing completion on his '80s-themed Juniper Commons. Praise Spock! Our Philadelphia permit finally came through, and we start building tomorrow. Today, however, the shop announced on Twitter that permits have been secured and construction starts on the new shop tomorrow. Of course, it hasn't quite gone what way, and attempts to poke at the owners for intel have been met with this sort of matter-of-fact that's because we don't know when we will open. When Big Gay Ice Cream owners Douglas Quint and Bryan Petroff announced in June that they were opening a shop in Philly, they had their fingers crossed for a September or October opening.